Friday, March 6, 2015

Blog Tour - Stone Walls by A.M. Madden



My Thoughts

Ben and Ella's friends decide to try and set them up which doesn't end up very well the first few times. Disastrous might work to describe it. Truth is that neither are actually looking for a relationship and they kind of grate on each other. But something happens the more time they spend together. Then they share a sunrise and a kiss and things definitely change between them. So much from their past holds them back. Ella was the victim of a home invasion that cost her mother's life. She left everything behind to start over. Ben's parents died in a murder/suicide when his father killed his mother then himself. They both bring this baggage with them as they struggle to fight the attraction they have for each other. Then his current case collides with her past and things change. 

This story was one that I couldn't put down. I was hooked from their very first meeting to the last page and I wanted more. 

I give Stone Walls 5 hearts!

About the Book

Benjamin Stone has an unrealistic determination to rid the streets of New York from any and all drug dealing scum. That determination quickly moves him and his partner, Rob Withers, up the ranks to Senior Narcotics Agents within their precinct. A new case assisting the FBI has Ben facing the ghosts of his past. Those same ghosts are the very reason he moved to New York to become a cop. 

Ella Parker is bright, beautiful, kind, and severely damaged as a result of one tragic night in her past. Having lived an idealistic life, that horrific night sent her pretty castle of cards crumbling down. Forced to start over, she leans on her best friend, Andrea Hensen, to help her move on. With Andrea’s help, Ella quickly settles into her new life in New York City. It’s a safe and comfortable existence, albeit very boring. 

Their paths may have never crossed, if it hadn’t been for their meddling best friends. Rob and Andrea believe that Ben and Ella are soul mates that were meant to be together, a perfect match. There’s one slight problem. Ben and Ella want no part of this matchmaking scheme. Funny thing about fate, it’s inevitable. 

Or is it? 

Can a truth cause the possibility of a happily ever after to crash and burn? Ben and Ella learn that sometimes truth isn’t the best answer. Sometimes ignorance is most definitely bliss.

Purchase Link

PicMonkey Sample 

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About the Author

A.M. Madden has achieved Amazon Best Selling status with her debut in contemporary romance, The Back-Up Series. 

 A.M. Madden is a wife, a mother, an avid reader of romance novels and now an author. In Back-up she aspired to create a fun, sexy, realistic romantic story. She wanted to create characters that the reader could relate to and feel as if they knew personally. 

 A self proclaimed hopeless romantic, she loves getting lost in a good book. Using every free moment of her time while raising teen-age boys, A.M. Madden plans to continue writing, as it now become a second career. A.M. Madden can be contacted on Facebook, twitter, or at 


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